ApplicantsClan petitionCode of HonorScripts



The Crimson Horde is a clan of experienced and powerful players. We revel in raiding, war, and pk. This is our focus and our drive. All characters of any race, class, gender, or alignment may apply. The Crimson Horde welcomes applicants who cultivate a competent independent character with strength in leveling and questing. The Crimson Horde desires active members. It is not necessary to be online everyday to apply. However, you must be able to demonstrate your character is capable of growth and development.
The Crimson Horde requests your patience with the application process, and your desire to join. We take clan membership seriously.


The application process can be rigorous and some may find it intimidating.

The Crimson Horde application process is for your benefit as well as ours. We hope you will use it to confirm your decision that the Crimson Horde is the clan your wish to serve. We DO NOT enjoy outcasting members dissatisfied with what they find after joining.

The Crimson Horde believes if we are the right clan for you, the rewards will be worth the effort of application. On average, the application process takes about a week. We expect you to be active during this period. You are responsible for moving your application process along.

NOTE: Additionally, please view from the menu the Crimson Code of Honor.

Your interest in applying to our clan honors us.
Thank you and good luck!

Minimum Requirements:

PK Kills:
Quest Points Earned:
T1 R7 L201 / T2
100 (1GQ = 5CPs)

If your application is sponsored by a member of the Crimson Horde, the requirements above may be waived with leader approval under very exceptional circumstances.

In your application note please include the following:

  • Your reasons for applying to the Crimson Horde
  • Describe how you would be an asset to the clan
  • Your previous clans (if any)
  • Your previous applications to any clans (if any)
  • Your previous names (if any)
  • Your alts (if any)
  • Your sponsors (if any)

Application notes should be posted to the following members:

Giddorah Perlesvaus Gastro Rhavage (include sponsors if any)

The Crimson Horde is a clan to enjoy the game. We maintain a positive atmosphere and will not tolerate: clan hoppers, braggers, whiners, players with bad public reputations and players who put themselves above the glory of the Horde.

Currently the clan’s doors are: Open

© < * > < | Crimson | > < * > - 2025